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MSA’s 100 years at Palazzo de La Salle celebrations | Concert 1 Maria Conrad | Violin Alexander Razera | Viola Desirée Calleja Quintano | Cello Christine Zerafa | Piano

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Ticket sales finished!

Ticket sales for Malta Society of Arts' 100 years at Palazzo de La Salle celebrations | Concert 1 unfortunately have now finished! The last day of this event was on Thursday 12-Jan-2023. Ticket sales ended at Thursday 12-Jan-2023 20:00.


Malta’s finest musicians will be joining forces to celebrate the Malta Society of Arts’ 100 years at Palazzo de La Salle with a series of monthly concerts and masterclasses. Compositions from the MSA’s music archive and music by past composers affiliated with the MSA will be brought to life by Christine Zerafa, Dominic Galea, Charlene Farrugia, Carlo Muscat, Philip Attard and many more. In addition, this Maltese musical cultural heritage will be flanked by commissioned compositions by contemporary composers.

In this first concert, Christine Zerafa’s piano quartet will perform Carmelo Pace’s Conversazioni, Mariella Cassar Cordina’s new commission as part of the celebrations and other works.

The concert series is supported by Arts Council Malta under the Programme Support Scheme.