Zayden huwa xoghol teatrali bil-Malti. B'kitba u direzzjoni ta' Tyrone Grima (Children of a Lesser God), Zayden hija l-istorja vera ta’ guvni Malti li ssielet f'hajtu ghax ghex minghajr saqaf fuq rasu. Interpretat minn Jacob Piccinino (Us/them), dan ix-xoghol ha jgieghlek tidhaq, ha jgieghlek tibki, ha jgieghlek tqum fuq saqajk biex taghmel il-parti tieghek! Zayden qed jittella’ b....
Ticket sales finished!
Ticket sales for Zayden unfortunately have now finished! The last day of this event was on Sunday 28-Jul-2019. Ticket sales ended at Sunday 28-Jul-2019 19:30.
Zayden huwa xoghol teatrali bil-Malti. B'kitba u direzzjoni ta' Tyrone Grima (Children of a Lesser God), Zayden hija l-istorja vera ta’ guvni Malti li ssielet f'hajtu ghax ghex minghajr saqaf fuq rasu. Interpretat minn Jacob Piccinino (Us/them), dan ix-xoghol ha jgieghlek tidhaq, ha jgieghlek tibki, ha jgieghlek tqum fuq saqajk biex taghmel il-parti tieghek! Zayden qed jittella’ b’kollaborazzjoni mas-Salesjani ta’ Don Bosco/Dar Osanna Pia.
Zayden is a one-man performance in Maltese. Penned and directed by Tyrone Grima (Children of a Lesser God), Zayden is the true journey of a young Maltese man who braved the waves as he endured homelessness. Jacob Piccino (Us/them) plays the title role of this experience that will make you laugh, will make you cry, will make you think, will make you go out there and do something! Zayden is produced in collaboration with the Salesians of Don Bosco/Osanna Pia Home.