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Storytelling Theater show: Hansel & Grethel

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Ticket sales finished!

Ticket sales for Hansel & Grethel unfortunately have now finished! The last day of this event was on Saturday 27-May-2023. Ticket sales ended at Saturday 27-May-2023 13:00.


Let's come and see our magical Theater of colored tissue paper, you will be enchanted by it!

A show for all ages, because Fairy Tales live in the imagination of each of us.

A truly engaging approach to it, where in addition to the narrating voice, the images are entrusted to a sequence of paintings made with the technique of overlapping colored tissues paper over a cut out black cardboard. No explanation can describe the wonder of the atmosphere where you will be brought! The musical accompaniment will be live! The Tales of the Grimm Brothers are well known in European culture, just think of Little Red Riding Hood, Snow White, Hansel & Gretel, as well as other popular Fairy Tales or by leading authors such as Lev Tolstòj or Selma Lagerloef. In them a profound wisdom is indicated in the form of an image. The characters are representatives and bearers of specific inner qualities, in them the multiple psychic life of human being is broken down into its elements: what is gathered as thoughts, feelings, impulses, ideals, in the Fairy Tales is divided into the characters. With narrative and figurative Art a show is created, where these two different artistic languages ​​come to merge. Words and color support and complement each other throughout the story.