
Tigullio, Triq Mikiel Ang Borg, St. Julian's, Malta View map

Did you enjoy your day with us at the Local Council? Of course you did, we’re the realest Local Council there is and ever will be.

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Ticket sales finished!

Ticket sales for Il-Kunsill Lokali - Live Fundraiser unfortunately have now finished! The last day of this event was on Thursday 12-Dec-2024. Ticket sales ended at Friday 13-Dec-2024 00:00.


Did you enjoy your day with us at the Local Council? Of course you did, we’re the realest Local Council there is and ever will be.

But wait, you wanted… more?! That’s going to be tough - is-Sindku Temporanju (Peter) has an election campaign coming up, cost of living is rising, and you can’t pay an MCAST film crew with indecent exposure forever.

If you want to help make more episodes of Kunsill Lokali, then come enjoy a night of film screenings, comedy, Coleiro & Andrew arguing about your ideas and, the most important part of any Local Council event, Tombola.  Doors open at 7pm, so make sure you come early to get a good seat, buy some merch and meet the cast and crew.

 All proceeds from the event will be funding Peter Bugeja’s Mayoral election campaign... I mean, Kunsill Lokali Season 1.