22 events total32 followers
22 events totalKarta Festa!
Santa’s STEM Factory
Stejjer tal-Waħx: Tales of Maltese Nightmares
Test event for SOP
Dino Weekend At Esplora
Dino Weekend At Esplora
Test event for SOP
Notte Di San Lorenzo
Notte Di San Lorenzo
Fireworks Festival - Esplora Evening Opening hours
Pop Sculptcha: Where Imagination and Scientific Exploration Unite.
Breakfast with Santa at Esplora
Esplora Evening Opening Hours
Space Exploration Spree
Breakfast with Santa
Christmas at Esplora
CSI at Esplora: Halloween Week 29th October - 2nd November
CSI at Esplora: Halloween Week - 28th October 2022
OLD Christmas at Esplora
Esplora Christmas Wonderland
Karta Festa - Carnival at Esplora
Spring into Science - Easter at Esplora